Pension Pod Sibenakem accommodation Strmilov
LOCATION - Pension is located in the municipality Strmilov, near ascending order. It is located in a large garden and is suitable for families with children.
ACCOMMODATION - is in 11 double rooms with extra bed and one double room with wheelchair access. All rooms have bathroom, hallway and TV.
Person / night
including breakfast
Person / 2 nights
including breakfast
Children under 15 years / night
including breakfast
450 CZK
390 CZK
200 CZK
Bed 2nd floor
350 CZK
350 CZK
200 CZK
RESTAURANT - is part of the pension. Location in a large garden with a pond, swings for children, a playground, a trampoline and sandpit is suitable for families with children.
SERVICES - There is a fireplace with grill, parking, bicycle storage and a tennis court in the village.